Friday, September 18, 2020



2113 E. South Street
Orlando, FL 32803

Feel free to bring a camp chair or shade tent if you would feel more comfortable than using the chairs we provide.
(Plus… you can have your handy cup holder right?)

We realize there are numerous opinions on Covid and how it is to be handled however here at H2O we’re choosing to approach this with humility and understanding for all involved, especially for those who are concerned about community spread. We have been monitoring the local numbers and they are presently on a downward trend. We also sent out a survey to all of you and have determined that for now the safest option for us is to meet outside while following these guidelines:

1. BEFORE attending please SCREEN YOURSELF with the following questions:
Individuals with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19. If you have any of the following symptoms we ask that you stay at home and take in the service online and contact your medical provider:

Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting


-ARRIVE EARLY to find parking, and to set up your canopy and outdoor seating after check-in.

(We are recording names and contact info for tracing purposes.)

– TEMPERATURE SCREENING – We will be checking everyone’s temperature at the check in table. 

– MASKS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES for anyone 2 years of age or older – Anyone 2 or older that cannot wear a mask for medical or personal reasons, we ask you to please join us online.
Your mask should be worn over your nose and mouth, be secured under your chin, and fit snugly against the sides of your face. NO masks with exhalation valves. NO buffs or gaiters.
 A face shield may be worn but is NOT a substitute for a mask, so a mask should be worn underneath also. Please refer to the CDC website for further details if needed: CDC How to Select Masks

– SOCIAL DISTANCING REQUIRED – Please maintain 6 feet distancing from anyone not in your immediate household at all times.
No physical contact. (We know this will be hard, but for now we need to follow this) 

– NO CHILDCARE PROVIDED AT THIS TIME – Children will need to stay with their parents. Parents are responsible to ensure their children adhere to the guidelines regarding masks and physical distancing.

3. IF you test positive for COVID-19 or have had recent exposure to someone who’s tested positive:
Maryann Thomson is our COVID-19 contact person. IF you test positive for COVID-19 after attending or have had a recent exposure to someone who has tested positive and have recently gathered in person with H2O community members we request that you please contact Maryann at An exposure is defined as spending 15 minutes or more within 6 feet of a COVID positive person (during the 2 days prior to symptom onset or 2 days prior to when test performed), whether or not you were wearing a mask. A 14-day isolation from others will be recommended if this occurs. Your info will remain confidential and we will work with the local Health Department to help contact trace those who may have been exposed.

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